Instructions For Authors
NEUROLOGIA CROATICA, the official journal of the Croatian Neurological Society and Croatian Neurosurgical Society, is published semi-annual by University of Zagreb, School of Medicine and University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Department of Neurology.
Neurologia Croatica brings articles covering clinical neurology, basic neuroscience, and other related fields.
Neurologia Croatica publishes the following types of articles:
Original contributions: Maximum length is 3000 words, excluding tables, figure legends, and references. Total word count should be provided with each manuscript including abstract, all text, tables, figure legends, and references.
Neurological reviews: Reviews are usually solicited by the editors, however, spontaneous submissions are also welcome. All articles and data sources reviewed should include information about the specific type of study or analysis, population, intervention, exposure, and test or outcomes. All articles or data sources should be selected systematically for inclusion in the review and critically evaluated, and the selection process should be described in the paper. Maximum length: the same as for original contributions.
Case reports: Case reports need to have important and novel learning points and report on unusual syndromes or diseases; a simple narrative or challenging patient(s) is insufficient. Maximum length is 1500 words, excluding tables, figure legends, and references.
Images in neurology: This feature is intended to provide a visual image of an interesting and unique neurological observation. Images of patients along with images of diagnostic proceedures performed are welcome. Maximum length is 200 words for case description, 50 words for each figure, maximum 2 references.
Letters to the editor: Letters discussing a recent Neurologia Croatica article are welcome. Letters should be received within 3 months of the article publication. Short comments on topical issues of public interest are also possible. Maximum length is 500 words including all text, tables, figure legends, and references.
In addition, announcements of professional and scientific meetings will be published.
Authors are responsible for the authenticity of data and for methodologic acceptability.
Submission of a manuscript implies that it is submitted exclusively to this journal and its contents have not been published previously except in abstract form.
A statement confirming the copyright transfer to Neurologia Croatica signed by the first author is necessary for publication.
Author Guarantee Statement. You can download the Author Guarantee Statement form on the journal's homepage Author Guarantee Statement. This form should be filled in and signed by the first author of the manuscript, scanned and e-mailed together with the manuscript. All manuscripts without signed Author Guarantee Statement will be returned to the author.
All articles are subject to review; referees are selected by the Editorial Board. Author(s) may suggest three potential referees (include names, full address, phone & fax numbers and e-mail) in the covering letter.
Manuscript preparation
The form and contents of the manuscript should be carefully checked.
All manuscripts should be written in English, with additional abstract and key words in Croatian. Manuscripts with illustrations attached and Author Guarantee Statement, prepared according to the instructions below, should be sent by mail as hard copy in triplicate, two of these without the names of authors and institutions, and by e-mail to the Editor-in-Chief's address/e-address. Authors should keep copies of the original manuscript and other related material, since the materials received will not be returned to the authors.
The editor retains the right to shorten the material accepted for publication if necessary.
The complete manuscript, including text, figures, tables and references, should be typed on one side of the paper only, double-spaced, with 3-cm left margin and right margin not justified. Each paragraph should be indented by five spaces.
Author should mark in the margin where figures and tables are to be inserted.
Each section should start on a new page (i.e. title page, abstract, figures, tables, legends and references).
The title page should comprise:
- title of the paper;
- full name of each author followed by the highest academic degree and institutional affiliation (all institutional names should be written in English);
- name, accurate address, phone & fax numbers and e-mail of the author responsible for correspondence, galley-proofs and reprints;
- short title, not longer than 30 characters including spaces;
- acknowledgment of the source(s) of support.
Abstract should be no longer than 250 words. Original contributions should have structured abstracts with the following headings: objectives, methods, results and conclusions. Abstract for Neurological reviews should not be structured. Case reports should have structured abstract with the following headings: objectives, case description, results, conclusion. Images in neurology and letters to the editor do not require an abstract. It should only present the main results and avoid general formulations and well-known facts.
Three to ten key words should be supplied in alphabetical order immediately following the abstract.
Please search for the key words at the web page, link MeSH Database.
Text should be divided, when appropriate, into sections: Introducion, Material and Methods, Results, Discussion, and Conclusion.
Scientific papers, including the list of references, should not exceed 12 pages (32 lines with 60 characters each per page), and brief communications 3 pages.
Tables should be typed on separate sheets, not to be submitted as photographs. Illustrations should be provided unmounted, in the form and condition suitable for reproduction. Freehand drawings, raw laboratory material, e.g., strip charts, roentgenograms, etc., should be photographed in B/W. Photographs should not be larger than 20x25 cm. If the attachements are in color (tables, photographs, etc.), the author should pay for the expenses of printing that page in agreement with Denona Printing House.
For every photograph of a recognizable patient written permission is required.
The author(s) should be aware that the size of illustrative material may be reduced if needed.
Tables and figures should be numbered in Arabic numerals in the order they are mentioned in the text. Legends for each of them should be typed separately, each legend on a separate sheet. The number of figures should not exceed 6.
List of references should include only those works that are cited in the text and that have been accepted for publication or already published.
The list should be arranged according to the order of appearance in the text and then numbered.
Several works of the same first author should be listed chronologically by the year of publication. Index Medicus abbreviations of journal names should be used.
All authors to be listed in case there are six or less:
Mubrin Z, Kos M. Assessment of dementia. Flow chart approach to clinical diagnosis.
Neurol Croat 1992;41:141-156.
If the article is written by seven or more authors, only names of the first three authors should be listed, followed by et al.:
Baršić B, Lisić M, Himbele J, et al. Pneumococcal meningitis in the elderly. Neurol Croat
Critchley M. The ventricle of memory. New York: Raven Press, 1990.
Chapter in a book
Geschwind N. The borderland of neurology and psychiatry: some common misconceptions.
In: Bensom DF, Blumer D, eds. Psychiatric aspects of neurologic disease. New York: Grune and Stratton, 1975:1-9.
Citations of works in text should be indicated by numbers in brackets.
Reprints of the published article should be ordered before publication.
Thirty reprints are free of charge, and additional reprints will be provided at publishing prices.
Mailing information
All manuscripts, with illustrations and Author Guarantee Statement enclosed should be E-MAILED as an attachment ONLY to the Editor-in-Chief to the following e-mail address:
Prof. Mario Habek, MD, PhD, Editor-in-Chief, Neurologia Croatica
University of Zagreb, School of Medicine
University Hospital Centre Zagreb, Department of Neurology, Kišpatićeva 12, HR-10000 Zagreb, Croatia